This New Year

I know this is late but, Happy New Year! May this year be a blessing to us all. Each year we all make or attempt to make resolutions to “better” ourselves in the year(s) to come. I have always joyfully participated in this ritual, making many goals to “better” myself. This year I chose to make goals to reach, not to “better” myself but to grow. That is what a new year should mean, a time to grow and advance.

I want to grow as a mother, not be the perfect mom but be the best mom for V. V is a true blessing in our lives, daily life brings new faces, noises and bright eyed wonders that I never knew could exist. To grow as a mother is to watch my girl grow happily and to have personal growth in each moment. I want to be more present, not just in the room but fully present.

I also want to be a better partner and half of the family unit S and I have created. I don’t to feel always tried for patience, I would more kisses and laughter in the rain. I want him to know, and feel the strength of my love for him.

And as I write this V is deciding it is bath time. Off to Mommy land I go, and I truly wish you all a blessed year!~B


Happy Holidays

10858351_4673776538550_3635132046144895813_nIt’s beginning to look like Christmas here in our home. These past few weeks have been full of decorating, baking, shopping, and the milestones of V. Little Miss V turned six months old and that meant it was time to begin crawling, standing and belly flopping on unsuspecting cats. Yes, we are on the move! Batten down the baby gates, and hide the ornaments she has found a new meaning to Christmas spirit. With V life has been a whirlwind of tinsel and Christmas magic, and seeing this spiritual time of the year through her eyes. Did you know how much joy one can have with s simple bow? Or the fact that the tree seems large when wiggling and crawling? During the past few years I have forgotten  what this season is about. It isn’t about the shopping and decorating, it isn’t about the baking (though I truly enjoy the baked goodies and decorating) it is about family and making the memories to share with V.

As the first official post on the blog it may seem to be short or not as enjoyable but I am planning to make those memories with V. With that I wish you all a holiday full of joy, tinsel and memories.